United Way NSV Opens 2022 Impact Grant Submissions
Winchester, VA (December 16, 2021) - United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley (UWNSV) is inviting local nonprofits to apply for the 2022-2023 Community Impact Grant Program. The intent of the grant program is to respond to local priority needs as established through the United Way Community Needs Assessment process, in the areas of education, financial stability and health.
The 2022-2023 Impact Grants will reflect the 2020-2023 Community Needs Assessment and 2021 ALICE® Report findings for the Northern Shenandoah Valley. All grant program activities of applying nonprofits must tie back directly to the community’s identified needs, with all agencies serving a portion on the ALICE® population. Both reports are available on United Way NSV’s website at https://www.unitedwaynsv.org/community-needs-assessments
Letters of intent from nonprofits stating their interest to apply for a grant are due January 14, 2022 –and must be completed through the new online grant portal. The link to the portal is: https://unitedwaynsv.communityforce.com/Login.aspx.
The full grant application will open on January 15, 2022 and will be due on February 18, 2022. A virtual grant application training is required for all applying agencies.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for grant funding:
- Operate as a 501(c)(3) non-profit and be a Virginia registered charity.
- Directed by a volunteer governing body with an organizational structure to administer programs.
- Account for funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
- Perform the required financial due diligence necessary as listed on United Way’s website.
- Provide health and human services in the UWNSV catchment area (Winchester City, Frederick, Clarke, Shenandoah and Page Counties).
- Operate without discrimination.
- Manage with an overhead cost (management and general/fundraising) below 25% of revenue.
- Certify that United Way funds and donations will be used in compliance with all applicable anti-terrorism financing and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders.
- Verify that they are able to complete the post-award reporting requirements in a timely matter.
In 2021, the Impact Grant Program of United Way NSV invested $505,047 in 36 education, financial stability and health programs throughout the Northern Shenandoah Valley. In 2021, United Way NSV received Impact Grant requests totaling $735,772 from 39 organizations.
The annual Impact Grant process involves more than 60 diverse community volunteers, who review funding applications, participate in online and in-person site visits, and panel presentation before submitting the final recommendations on funding to the United Way NSV Board of Directors for approval.
United Way NSV is recruiting additional volunteers to help with reviewing applications for the Impact Grant process. Interested volunteers can sign up online at https://www.unitedwaynsv.org/fund-distribution-volunteers or call (540) 536-1610 to learn more.
Agency applicants interested in learning more about Impact Grants are highly encouraged to review United Way NSV’s website for more information on eligibility, deadlines, and other requirements for funding at https://www.unitedwaynsv.org/community-impact-grants.