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While tickets to this event are free, your business can help to offset costs, by sponsoring the event or purchasing tables. Celebration Title Sponsor $2,500 (two available): As one of the presenting sponsors you have the poorpuinty to place a pop-up banner by the podium, place a gift on each chair. You will receive recognition in print and online marketing as "United Way NSV Annual Meeting Sponsord by Your Organzation" Three Sponosr Tables for your company or to donate to the community with a table tent with company name and logo. Bar Sponsor $500 (one available): Bar to be branded as Drinks "Sponosred by Your organztion and include your logo. Availaibty to place pop-up sinage by the bar. Recoginitation during the presentation as well as one sponsored table with table tent for your company or donated to the community. Sponsor a Table(s) $150 per Table: Each table seats 5 people and has a sponsorship cost of $150. You can sponsor as many tables as you would like and either choose to fill the tables with your own guests or offer the sponsored table to other attendees and have your sponsorship highlighted on a table tent with your name & logo.